
donderdag 7 april 2011

One crazy week!!

oké last week was a little crazy!

We had a very fun cocktail party with a few friends of mine. It was so fun and we made four different cocktails ^^
I my self and Sanne don't drink any alcohol so we made two NA cocktails and they where soooooo yummy!!! After the cocktails we went to party all night long and I didn't get to bed untill 7 in the moring XD auch :P I was sooooo tired!

After a good day off sleep I started on my big cosplay project! I made the first designs for my costume. I made the base for the leg and arm armors. It tool a lot longer that I thought it would :S
After those armors I was stuck again because I needed a lot of glue and paint to finish them. Last wensday I went to Hasselt and got everything I needed. I also went to the "stoffenspectakel" its a big big facbric market that moves around the country I was was so lucky that it came to Hasselt last week!!

Now, the big challenge is just starting!
From last sunday untill this friday is the only time that I have to finish the whole costume!!
Oh noooooowwwzzz XD thats so little time for me >.<
So here is the report from the last twe days:


First I finished the leg and arm armors, I painted them and added some shadows to give them some depth. I added the leather belts to hold them in place.
Last saturday I bought some hot hot hot shoes!!! And I just caint ruin thet for cosplay so I'm going to try and safe them by working over them without touching the shoes.
So sunday I made the green cover to put over the shoe.
Late in the evening I started on my little breast piece. I took an old bh and changed the straps with leather ones.
after all this I was so tired and I needed my bed rest!


Today I started on the upper arm pieces, I made one and finished it, I made the base for the second one but my glue is finished so need to wait for some new glue.
I also started on the armor part of the top and I finished it ^^ wiiiiii It took al long time but its done!!
I made the pathern for the shoulder pieces and the skirt.
I also figured out how I'm going to make the shoes work. I just need some glue to get started.
So I still have lots of work to do !! but I really need to finish -_-

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