
vrijdag 22 april 2011

BIFFF competition

Last Sunday we participated in the cosplay competition for the Belgium representative for ECG.
My costume was almost finished but them my sewing machine broke down so I was stuck! Then I also needed to work on Saturday until eleven so I didn't have time to go to a store to fix it :S When I came back from work videll was there so we could go to here home so we could practice the act together.
Sanne was also there to practice but she wasn't looking to well, she was very pale. The next morning she called us and told us she could not come to the competition. It was so sad :( but it was the best thing to do, health is more important than anything!
We didn't know if we could still participate with only two people but at the last minute it was allowed. But the next problem was that we didn't have an act anymore :S So we had 15 minutes to figure something out :S It was soooooo stress full XD
At the last moment the act was finished but my skirt ripped while practicing so I had to repair it. But I had to hurry because we where next in line for the competition. So we went in stage and started our act. But 20 seconds in to the competition the worst thing happened and my skirt ripped open and fell. Man that was so scary I didn't know what to do and I picked it up and continued with the act :P LOL I was so embarrassed. But the judges where very very kind and commissioned.
We won the special BIFFF price and where soooo happy ^^ I really thought we would not win after the stage malfunction :p The three representative for ECG where sooo beautiful! And I hope they will have a blast in Paris!! Can't wait to see there act *_*
I would like to thank videll and sanne so much! it was so fun to make the costumes and practice the act and bifff was amazing ^^ We will participate again next year ! count on it :)

hugs and kissed XXX

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