
zondag 24 april 2011

ebay update

Hi everyone!!! :)

Yesterday I had some time on my hands and I didn't feel like doing cosplay because there are no events for the next two months. So I went to my favorite shopping place in the world EBAY!!! :)
After a few hours alone on my mac I could not resist to start buying stuff :P so here is a list of new Items that I ordered ^^

some concealer because I really need this stuff :p

Some cream foundation

a cute pink lens box and one in an animal style :)

A notebook case!!! when I buy it here in the store you have to pay like 40 euros and there are only a few colors

and some much needed eyelash glue!

I will review everything when I get it ^^ so you'll know what store you can trust on eBay ;) I will make reviews of all my eBay products it the upcoming months including wigs, makeup, and everything else!

hugs and kisses!!!

vrijdag 22 april 2011

cosplay make-up

Hi everyone,

I always wanted to make a post about cosplay and make up.
I find make-up very important in cosplay because it makes such a big difference. But because the characters are so special they need some extreme makeup. I spend a lot of money on eye shadow and special lipsticks the last few years and I was fed up with it. So last time I was on eBay I bought some big makeup pallets for a very cheap price at Keyhere store.
I bought "Pro 88 Warm Color Eye Shadow Makeup Palette Eyeshades A" and " Pro 120 Full Color Eyeshades Palette Eye Shadow Makeup"
I only payed 21 dollars for it and that's around 15 euros for two makeup pallets :)
Its so handy because my cosplays all have different colors and need different eye shadows and now I have all the colors I need ^^ I'm thinking of making makeup tutorials of the characters I have cosplayed and so I can show you how I did my makeup. So 'm still thinking about it ^^ maby one day :)

Hugs and kisses!!!

Television series

Hey everyone!

I wanted to to a post about my favorite television series! This year I'm totally hooked on it! I never watched so much series as now, when I'm cooking, when I'm working, cosplaying, blogging, surfing,... al the time! I really would like some new series to watch!
Here is a list of what I'm currently watching and what I have seen:


* Dexter: liked it!
* Spartacus blood and sand: Loved it!!
* Spartacus Gods of the arena: Loved it!
* Lost: some seasons sucked others where amazing
* Heroes: Only season one and I liked it
* Desperate house wife's: Liked it
* Friends: Loved it
* How I met your mother: Loved it
* Sex and the city: Liked it
* Cougar town: Liked it
* House MD: Loved it
* Pillars of the earth: Loved it
* True Blood: Loved it
* Kyle XY: Liked it
* Stargate SG1: Loved it
* Xena: Loved it
* My wife and kids: didn't care for it so much
* Grounded for life: liked it
* Fairly odd parents: Liked it

Watching right now:

* Fringe: Love it!
* Farscape: Love it!

I think I forgot a few but you'll get the picture ;) So I really like odd series and dark series! I would like to get a few new names so I can watch some new series ;)

BIFFF competition

Last Sunday we participated in the cosplay competition for the Belgium representative for ECG.
My costume was almost finished but them my sewing machine broke down so I was stuck! Then I also needed to work on Saturday until eleven so I didn't have time to go to a store to fix it :S When I came back from work videll was there so we could go to here home so we could practice the act together.
Sanne was also there to practice but she wasn't looking to well, she was very pale. The next morning she called us and told us she could not come to the competition. It was so sad :( but it was the best thing to do, health is more important than anything!
We didn't know if we could still participate with only two people but at the last minute it was allowed. But the next problem was that we didn't have an act anymore :S So we had 15 minutes to figure something out :S It was soooooo stress full XD
At the last moment the act was finished but my skirt ripped while practicing so I had to repair it. But I had to hurry because we where next in line for the competition. So we went in stage and started our act. But 20 seconds in to the competition the worst thing happened and my skirt ripped open and fell. Man that was so scary I didn't know what to do and I picked it up and continued with the act :P LOL I was so embarrassed. But the judges where very very kind and commissioned.
We won the special BIFFF price and where soooo happy ^^ I really thought we would not win after the stage malfunction :p The three representative for ECG where sooo beautiful! And I hope they will have a blast in Paris!! Can't wait to see there act *_*
I would like to thank videll and sanne so much! it was so fun to make the costumes and practice the act and bifff was amazing ^^ We will participate again next year ! count on it :)

hugs and kissed XXX

donderdag 14 april 2011

win actie!

hey hey hey :)

Here is a quick post of an other blog where you can win some nice makeup!!
go check it out!!'

donderdag 7 april 2011

One crazy week!!

oké last week was a little crazy!

We had a very fun cocktail party with a few friends of mine. It was so fun and we made four different cocktails ^^
I my self and Sanne don't drink any alcohol so we made two NA cocktails and they where soooooo yummy!!! After the cocktails we went to party all night long and I didn't get to bed untill 7 in the moring XD auch :P I was sooooo tired!

After a good day off sleep I started on my big cosplay project! I made the first designs for my costume. I made the base for the leg and arm armors. It tool a lot longer that I thought it would :S
After those armors I was stuck again because I needed a lot of glue and paint to finish them. Last wensday I went to Hasselt and got everything I needed. I also went to the "stoffenspectakel" its a big big facbric market that moves around the country I was was so lucky that it came to Hasselt last week!!

Now, the big challenge is just starting!
From last sunday untill this friday is the only time that I have to finish the whole costume!!
Oh noooooowwwzzz XD thats so little time for me >.<
So here is the report from the last twe days:


First I finished the leg and arm armors, I painted them and added some shadows to give them some depth. I added the leather belts to hold them in place.
Last saturday I bought some hot hot hot shoes!!! And I just caint ruin thet for cosplay so I'm going to try and safe them by working over them without touching the shoes.
So sunday I made the green cover to put over the shoe.
Late in the evening I started on my little breast piece. I took an old bh and changed the straps with leather ones.
after all this I was so tired and I needed my bed rest!


Today I started on the upper arm pieces, I made one and finished it, I made the base for the second one but my glue is finished so need to wait for some new glue.
I also started on the armor part of the top and I finished it ^^ wiiiiii It took al long time but its done!!
I made the pathern for the shoulder pieces and the skirt.
I also figured out how I'm going to make the shoes work. I just need some glue to get started.
So I still have lots of work to do !! but I really need to finish -_-