
donderdag 31 maart 2011

First day of blogging

So, after a long time of thinking about it I just did it. I made my first blog!
I'm going to write in english so more people can read it :P If anyone is ever going to read it at all XD My english isn't that great but I think its understandeble.

So to start things of,
I've been cosplaying since 2005 but my first convention was in 2006 and since than I've been cosplaying like crazy. I have around 20 cosplays and more to come. I'm also studying film school and I'm in my last year. My cosplays have been put on hold for the last 6 months because school was just crazy. But right now I started again with a new costume and a new group.
Videll, a good friend of mine showed me the artworks of Shunya Yamashita and I fell in love with them!
When I was looking trough the books I found this design in Wild Flower. I loved the way the costume fits on the body. And also the amazing bow! The detailes are amazing but not that easy :P
So I started the first stap of cosplay and I tried to figure out how the hell I would start on this costume! After a few days I could see the light! right now I need to get my pay check and get some supplies!

I'll see you guys soon!!